I woke up to a very lovely email from Fanshaw. I got a early acceptance in to the FASHION DESIGN program at there school! Fanshaw is one of the top schools for fashion design in Canada, so I'm really happy to be picked.
Second period,
I got called down to register for SKILLS CANADA again, and after searching for a while for the scoop online, We discovered Its the same scope as last year. so I got this in the bag. (sorry for the bragging)
After lunch
I met up with my fashion teacher, and we got tickets to RYERSON FASHION SHOW. April 7th Toronto here I come!
During forth
The teacher running the school musical pulled me out of classes and asked me if I would like DESIGN on of the costumes!
After the buss
I logged on facebook and I decided "creep" my matches from matchmaker from. #1 was blocked, so i added him. He was SUPER fine, and he messaged me on face book chat! we ended up talking for 2 hours!
Before dinner
My friend got a job at booster juice, can you say FREE?
so far, today, is a good day!